Unique Views

Unique views in marketing refers to the number of times a particular piece of content is viewed by people, regardless of whether they view it multiple times or share it with others. This metric is often used to gauge the success of a marketing campaign, as well as to determine how well a piece of content resonates with its audience.

There are a few different ways to measure unique views, but one of the most common is through web analytics software. This type of software tracks how many times a piece of content is viewed and can often provide detailed information about who is viewing it and when.

Unique views of your site or ad are not important on their own- what is truly significant is conversion rates for each unique view received. Conversion rate calculates the percent of unique views that resulted in actions such as clickthroughs, conversions, or other significant user interactions. For ecommerce marketing to be successful, unique views need to be calculated and conversion rates analyzed regularly. This allows benchmarks to be set for future campaigns and determine if current advertisements/websites are successful.

Overall, unique views act as a stepping stone in determining what your conversion rate is. It's important that they are tracked so that more valuable actions can be analyzed.

How is Unique View different from Page Views?

Page views count every time a page is loaded, including multiple visits from the same user. Unique views only count one visit per user, regardless of how many times they visit the page.  

How can I track Unique Views?  

Most analytics programs offer tracking for unique views, as well as other metrics such as page views and average time on site.

Fun Fact:

According to a study by HubSpot, "the average click-through rate (CTR) for unique views is 0.77%." (HubSpot, 2020)

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Unique Views