Marketing Attribution Models

Marketing Attribution is broken down into many models. These attribution models include 1st interaction, last touch, linear, time decay, position-based models.

  • The 1st interaction attribution model gives all the credit for a conversion to the first channel that a customer interacted with.
  • The last touch attribution model gives all the credit for a conversion to the last channel that a customer interacted with.
  • The linear attribution model splits the credit for a conversion evenly between all of the channels that a customer interacted with.
  • The time decay attribution model gives more credit to the channels that a customer interacted with closer to the time of conversion.
  • The position based attribution model gives 40% of the credit for a conversion to the first and last channels that a customer interacted with, while splitting the remaining 20% evenly between all other channels.

Whichever attribution model you choose to use, it’s important to make sure that you are consistent with it. Once you have chosen an attribution model, stick with it and don’t try to change it midway through your campaign. This will only confuse your data and make it more difficult to track your results.

Make sure you utilize your marketing attribution model to the fullest extent. Knowing where your leads are coming from is valuable and extremely helpful to maintaining/ generating more traffic from that channel.

What types of Marketing Attribution Models exist?

There are several different types of marketing attribution models, including single-touch, multi-touch, time decay, position-based, algorithmic, and data-driven models.  

How does a Marketing Attribution Model work?

A marketing attribution model works by assigning credit for each sale or conversion to each touchpoint in the customer’s journey. This helps marketers understand which channels, campaigns, and activities are driving the most conversions and sales.  

What are the benefits of using a Marketing Attribution Model?  

The benefits of using a marketing attribution model include gaining insights into which channels are driving the most conversions and sales; optimizing campaigns based on performance; understanding how customers interact with your brand across multiple channels; improving ROI; and increasing overall efficiency.

Fun Fact:

"Marketing attribution models are becoming increasingly important for businesses to understand the effectiveness of their marketing efforts. According to a study by eMarketer, 63% of marketers believe that marketing attribution is the most difficult challenge they face in digital marketing." (eMarketer, 2019)

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Marketing Attribution Models