Triggered Email

Triggered emails are automated messages that are sent to customers based on specific actions they take (or don't take). Also known as behavioral emails, these messages are designed to improve customer engagement and retention by providing timely, relevant information that is targeted to the individual recipient.

There are four main types of triggered email:

1. Welcome Emails

Welcome emails are sent to new customers immediately after they sign up or make their first purchase. They typically contain a personalized message, as well as a coupon or other incentive to encourage further engagement.

2. Purchase Confirmation Emails

Purchase confirmation emails are sent after a customer completes a purchase. They serve as a receipt and often include order details, shipping information, and links to tracking tools.

3. Abandoned Cart Emails

Abandoned cart emails are sent when a customer adds items to their shopping cart but does not complete the purchase. These messages usually contain a reminder of the items left in the cart, as well as a coupon or other incentive to encourage conversion.

4. Engagement Emails

Engagement emails are sent in response to specific customer actions, such as visiting a particular page on your website or clicking a link in one of your messages. They can be used to re-engage customers who have become inactive, promote new products or services, or drive traffic to specific pages on your site.

Triggered emails are a powerful tool for keeping customers engaged with your brand. By using behavioral data to personalize messages and target them to the individual recipient, you can create messages that are timely, relevant, and more likely to be opened and acted upon.

What are the benefits of using triggered emails?

Triggered emails can help improve customer engagement and retention by providing timely and relevant messages that are tailored to individual customers. They can also increase sales by prompting customers to take action when they are most likely to do so. Additionally, triggered emails can help save time and resources since they require minimal manual effort for setup and delivery.  

How do I set up triggered emails?

Setting up triggered emails typically involves creating an automated workflow that defines the conditions under which the message should be sent (e.g., when a customer makes a purchase). This workflow can then be connected with your email service provider (ESP) so that it will automatically send out the message when those conditions are met.

Fun Fact:

"Triggered emails have an average open rate of 40.8%, which is more than double the average open rate of traditional email campaigns (18.3%) according to a study by Experian." (2018)

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Triggered Email