
In digital advertising, prospecting usually involves targeting users who have never been to your website before. You can then proceed if they show interest in what you're offering. In digital marketing, prospects call attention to a certain piece of information that is useful for customers/ readers/ viewers and draws their attention to it. This could be an offer or a specific digital marketing technique.

Targeting new users is now easier than ever before thanks to digital marketing techniques like remarketing (retargeting) and custom audiences, but prospecting still involves some legwork on your part. You'll need to know where your target audience spends their time online, what they're interested in, and what kind of messaging will resonate with them.

Prospecting is a key part of any digital marketing strategy and can help you reach new customers that you otherwise wouldn't be able to. By targeting the right people and using the right techniques, you can ensure that your prospects are more likely to convert into customers.

What techniques are used in prospecting?  

Common techniques used in prospecting include market segmentation, lead generation, cold calling, direct mail campaigns, email marketing, and social media outreach.  

How does prospecting help businesses?  

Prospecting helps businesses by providing them with qualified leads who have expressed an interest in their products or services. This allows businesses to focus their efforts on those most likely to convert into paying customers.

Fun Fact:

"According to a study by Lead Forensics, 74% of companies are using website visitor tracking for prospecting in 2020." (Lead Forensics, 2020)

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